Releases/Thunderbird 17.0.2/BuildNotes

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Thunderbird 17.0.2

Bugs hit

  • SSH key was wrong due to the mock switch (patch in bug 815763)
  • There is no way to create a milestone for 17.x with 18.x now being the current version. Used the current l10n changesets values from mozilla/l10n-changesets_thunderbird-release
  • Linux repacks failing with "cannot create executable" during configure
  • Build 2 required due to gcc compatibility issue caused by moving to mock
    • mock patches backed out


  • [2:15pm EST] created Thunderbird tb17.0.2 l10n milestone
    • don't see it on the dashboard. asking Pike in #l10n-drivers
    • there is no way to create a milestone for 17.x with 18.x now being the current version. We're going to use the current l10n changesets values from mozilla/l10n-changesets_thunderbird-release
  • relbranch hard-coded and committed
  • [3:10pm EST] ship-it form filled in
    • values: Thunderbird-17.0.2-build1 releases/comm-release 840dcbc2239a 86dd2826b037 No 17.0build2

Fix failed tagging

Tagging failed when trying to push to hg because the path to the ssh key was wrong due to the mock switch. This patch was landed and buildbot-configs was retagged to fix: After that, rebuilt the tagging builder. After it completed, forced source, en-US builds, and bouncer submitter (because tagging downstreams don't fire correctly after a rebuild.

Because of rebuilding tag instead of re-doing sendchanges, all repacks are failing because "script_repo_revision" isn't set. These can be fixed by forcing the failed builders and setting a "script_repo_revision" property to the release tag (eg, FIREFOX_18_0_RELEASE). I've done this for all failed repacks that I've seen. (Though, some have additional problems, see below for details).

Linux repacks failed

Linux repacks failing with "cannot create executable" during configure. I suspect this is related to mock, wasn't able to look into it. FIXME

  • [jh] [~3:50pm EST Saturday] Thunderbird 17.0.2 repacks failed so I double-landed and restarted them. Repacks have progressed past the earlier point of failure.

Build 2 Required

  • [2:25pm EST Monday] We need to respin due to a gcc compatibility issue caused by moving to mock. bhearsum has backed out the mock changes.
  • bhearsum says: be careful about the revisions when you do - you need the already version bumped rev from the relbranch. (not the unbumped rev from default). for example, is the already version bumped revision on the tb 17.0.2 comm relbranch

[3:19pm EST] master reconfigs in progress

Push to Mirrors

  • [11:07am EST Tuesday] Received ok to push to mirrors
  • [11:23am EST] Push to mirrors in progress (force build)

Snippets pushed, post-release builder completed.