From MozillaWiki
Security content for MDN (curtisk)
- met with Sheppy & mcoates
- no process -> very informal
- just start making stuff, MDN will handle organization
- need documentation of anything
- any contribution would be a win
MDN Problem: people don't complain, so they don't have much to go on what is wanted
How to find Documentation requests
- bugzilla: Component: Documentation Requests / Product: Mozilla Developer Network
- Ask does this need documentation?
- How can others do this too to help us? How can the community use this to contribute?
What makes a good MDN article?
- Information: MDN->About NMDN (How to help:contents)
- really varies depending on type of content
- Writers guide:
- page naming guide:
- #Devmo: irc channel for mdn writters
Don't Panic
- Get it written, someone will come along and make it pretty, just get it down
- don't worry about look, grammer etc lots of people to make it good who monitor for new content
- seed the area and others will contribute as well
- this can end the cycle of problems
Good topics:
- websockets sec concerns
- fuzzing
- things to think about when designing a feature
- process stuff is good too
- how to get an appropriate security review
- need server side stuff, how-to
- soup to nuts, server, app, code, network etc.
- Write secure Apps (FirefoxMarket)?
Apps & Firefox Market (mcoates)
- Lots of moving pieces
Intrusion Detection Magic (mcoates)
- Custom logging efforst within applicaitons for malicious actions (e.g. CEF logging)
- A little taste of what this can do -