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Status Updates
- freddy
- may have changed his opinion on es6 template strings
- looked into fxos web components:
- got the app-permission thing into 2.1 (2015?):
- got himself into C++ troubles,
- stefan is going to be late because he thinks coffee is more important than us
- Back with coffee
- Working on Middleman, can do demo
- darkowlzz
- working on migrating zest add-on from cfx to jpm
- Zest variables and tokens (WIP)
- psiinon
- Persona Zest script for Minion
- ZAPping the OWASP Top 10
- Zest tweaks (inc drag-n-drop)
- mgoodwin was late because he thinks coffee is more important than you
- doesn't have any secautomation updates
- adamm
- no updates
- need to sched time with mark but marketplace has been sucking up his time :)
- Static code analysis for node.js and Python to make us more efficient/find low hanging fruit in code we don't have time to review? The tool should be cloud-based.
- freddy briefly talked about how eslint is rule-based (which is good)