From MozillaWiki
Items to be reviewed:
- bug 675822 - First sync desktop status page with upload progress bar
Introduce Feature
Goal of Feature, what is trying to be achieved (problem solved, use cases, etc)
- people want to know more of what is happening in a visual manner
- end of setup wizard now has a tab that has a progress bar of initial sync progress
- can be closed without interfiering with sync
- doing same thing on mobile (diff bug, different UI)
- UX wanted tab not dialogue
- same thing as add-ons manager or about:permissions
What solutions/approaches were considered other than the proposed solution?
- modal dialogue is current and we could have extended but chose not to
- want to enforce this is a background thing
Why was this solution chosen?
- reasons above
Any security threats already considered in the design and why?
- non-safe about dialogue as chrome privs are needed
- web pages cannot open this
- setup wizard opens this, session restore if user keeps it around
- only UI flow is end of setup wizard when doing setup for sync
- page causes nothing to happen
- observers and prefs only, notifications are not new
- sync service and engine manager are used to figure out progress
- call into a jdm; part of main sync code