From MozillaWiki
Introduce Feature
Goal of Feature, what is trying to be achieved (problem solved, use cases, etc)
- to make joystick available to elements for games
- want joystick to look alot like mouse (axis movement, etc)
- ability to get a stateful object from the joystick to know what to do
- this only works when tab is focused and in front
- What solutions/approaches were considered other than the proposed solution?
Why was this solution chosen?
Any security threats already considered in the design and why?
- joystick does not work until some user action is taken
- done to avoid fingerprinting of the system
- somethings have to be disclosed for use
- the more the site gets to know the more the fingerprint is useful
- threat is low as joystick is not going to be used all the time
- configuration problem
- more research needed to how to do this
- num analog sticks, button that was pushed and what it maps to
Threat Brainstorming
- can this be used for general purpose or is this for games only?
- there is some accessability want for this as an alternate input device
- page must interpret and user must want
- how are events tracked?
- pull should be possible (this is where privacy concerns come from)
- this is not the device but the object representation of the device
- currently implemented with events
- pull should be possible (this is where privacy concerns come from)
- how is data about joystick stored/mapped?
- per page, not browser
- information about the joystick should only be live while page has focus
- if focus lost then it halts until you come back
- data should not flow between one page and another
- more research will be done to ensure this is so
- each page has its own joystick state and it's only active when focus is active
- all lost when page closed
- pause when game focus lost
- restrict joystick events/object to same-origin with the top-level origin