From MozillaWiki
Standing agenda
- Review currently active (P1) features against their established milestones, identify any blockers - +
- Review roadmap priorities to ensure they accurately reflect active projects and Mozilla's priorities
- Suggest additions or changes to roadmaps
- Detailed discussion of features or outstanding issues as time permits
- Upcoming events, OOO/travel, etc.
- Sid is in DC (for an IAPP privacy summit) Tuesday-Friday (6-9 March)
- Tanvi Cansecwest (Tuesday - Saturday, March 6-10)
- Lucas out Tues-Mon
Additional Topics
- CA/B Forum - Certificate Authority & Browser Forum
Paypal presented a suggestion for replacing it for a real standards body. After hearing Paypals proposal, going to form a working group to reform the forum. And propose changes, adopt them, etc and hopefully get public involvement.
- RSA - the conference, not the cryptosystem
Panel - Revocation for SSL certificates
- Summer of Code.
Background: Google gives a stipend per student and $500 for organization for the overhead. Selection of organizations is starting very soon. And then you select the projects. Vetted by Googles. March 9th deadline.
Ideas:- Tor support features
- CSP the web - User supplied CSP.
Timeline: Contacts : gerv or chofmann
- Chrome Default CSP Policy for Extensions
Public meetings
- with published public notes
- x342
- starting 3/15/2012