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- Time: Weds at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
- Place: (Vidyo room "Services")
- Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 98616#
- Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 98616#
- Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 98616#
Metrics (bbangert/rmiller/vng/trink)
Sync (telliott)
Location Service (hannosch/rtilder/vng)
- Make website look not as ugly on phones (responsive design and all that)
- Stop torturing MySQL and use Redis as a queuing backend
- Deal with another slashdot event and what looks like a distributed "attack"
Presence (bbangert/tarek)
Where's My Fox (jr)
- Client is stable
- Adding live tracking map to web server pages
- UI getting close to finalized
Other Projects
Loads (tarek)
kazoo (bbangert / hannosch)
Campaign Manager (jr)
- New version pushed to production (thanks @mostlygeek)
SimplePush (jr)
Persona (jrgm/kthiessen)
- Train going out today!
FxA/FFa and the "new" Sync
- Focus this week is on load testing Stage.
- Also starting testing/load on local host for Sync and TokenServer repos
- Planning train schedule 2x a week and testing requirements
- Planning perf/availability/security monitoring
- Gut Check/GoNoGo 1/24. Aurora merge 2/3.
Heka (kthiessen)
- FYI - FxA is using the current release version - v0.4.2
Loads (jbonacci)
- Going to be checking out some Loads "workarounds" today and tomorrow (re: client-side issues)
Campaign Manager (edwong)
- Tested and Pushed to prod on 1/17