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2,841 bytes removed, 15:27, 7 August 2008
Removed all the semi-outdated planning stuff; we can bring it back later if we want.
# [[Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity 0.1 Author Tutorial]]
= 0.1 Ubiquity Release Goals =
The goals of the Ubiquity 0.1 release is to enable easy creation of ubiquitous functionality, demonstrate how that functionality can be shared as well as incorporated into current content, "streamable" functionality, as well as a demonstrate a linguistic command line interface.
Perhaps the most important part of determining the 0.1 Ubiquity Release scope is determining what it is not. In particular 0.1 Ubiquity will:
* Not focus on security
* Not focus on front-end integration points (i.e., integration into the Awesome bar, &c.)
== Developer Facing ==
* Command Infrastructure (with LCLI support)
* Command Microformat
* Fetching of "live/streamable" commands that live at URLs
* Ability to run code at startup, at window open, tab open, and on a timer.
* Limited and preliminary version of turning Ubiquity commands into Extensions
== User Facing ==
* Command List/Docs
* Ability to add commands to your command sets using RSS/URLs
** Potentially, just use bookmarks/live bookmarks to do this.
* Some commands are surfaced into the context menu (answer to Activities)
** No text field
** See if we can pass the current selection on to the LCLI to get suggestions for what to populate the context menu with.
* All commands accessible via hot-key access to a full LCLI
* Ability to sync commands on the Weave platform
* Custom (non-[[nsIAlertsService]]) Notifications
== LCLI Command System ==
* Preview pane (must allow for interaction)
* Exploration of transformative commands on static text
* LCLI interface
** Noun recognition
*** Dates/Times, and Places
** Verb recognition
* Exploration of permanent page-modification commands
=== Commands to Launch With ===
User initiated
* Mapping (requires preview)
* Emailing
** Fetching Email Addresses
** Sending selection in an email
* Adding something to my calendar
* Lookups (Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Amazon, IMDB, Yelp, &c) (should have previews)
* Permanent Delete
* Permanent Highlighting on a page (weave sync)
* Translate
* One data harvesters
* One example of of enhancing a website using harvested data
* Flights (requires preview)
* Annotations
* Twitter
* Weather
* Blog
= Weave Integration =
What we need from Weave includes:
* Data Store API
* A SyncCore for a list of URLs
= Milestones =
== Milestone 1 ==
* Ability to fetch commands from URLs (Atul)
** First version of command microformat
** Quick-and-dirty UI for adding command feeds (or just use bookmarks)
== Milestone 2 ==
* Integration of at least the "translate" command with the LCLI interface into Ubiquity. (Atul + Jono)
* Detection of the Date/Time noun type in the LCLI (Jono)
* Mapping with preview implemented (Maria + Aza)
* Data harvester demo (Aza)

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