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84 bytes added, 02:40, 21 November 2014
a few css3-ui updates
Web platform specifications (editing, in rough priority order)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Tantek-Mozilla-Projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3-UI]]</span> (editor, and contributing to <span class="p-category category">[[CSS3]]</span> in general)
* <span class="p-category category">[[#HTML5|HTML5]]</span> (contributing)
* <span class="p-category category">[[microformats2]]</span> editor of, including [ microformats2 parsing spec], <span class="p-category category">[[hCard]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[hCalendar]]</span>, and other vocabularies.
*** ::value can be used for selecting/styling placeholder text (see [ bug 457801 comment 25])
*** ::choices can theoretically be used to style the popped-up state of a <code>&lt;select&gt;</code> pop-up menu. No known implementations.
*** ::repeat-item - no known applicability to HTML(5) form controls, at-risk in CSS3-UI, likely resolved to be dropped.*** ::repeat-index - no known applicability to HTML(5) form controls, at-risk in CSS3-UI, likely resolved to be dropped.
** consider additional pseudo-elements based on vendor prefixed pseudos
*** Safari 5 supports pseudo-elements for restyling overflow scrollbars
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;implementation reports of the test suite
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu