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49 bytes added, 22:51, 27 March 2015
microformats2 parsing
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[IndieWebCamp|IndieWeb]]</span>''' - the independent web, in contrast to the web of silos and user- and developer-unfriendly <abbr title="terms of services">TOS</abbr>es.
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[Microformats]]</span>''' - simple, open standards for marking up compound semantics in HTML, in contrast to complex (XML, RDFa, microdata), or closed / vendor-specific / oligopolic ( efforts. See also [[Gaia/System/Microformats]], <span class="p-category category">[[HTML5]]</span>, and Tantek's [ book on getting started with HTML5].
** '''[[microformats2-parsing]]''' in particular
Working groups and [[standards]] communities (representing Mozilla and open web interests)
Canmove, confirm

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