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2,291 bytes added, 20:57, 26 June 2015
Created page with "== Overall Goal == Enable a smooth and responsive user experience for Firefox desktop and mobile users. == Justification == We believe or have data the hangs, jank, and oth..."
== Overall Goal ==

Enable a smooth and responsive user experience for Firefox desktop and mobile users.

== Justification ==

We believe or have data the hangs, jank, and other forms of poor performance result in users moving to other browsers. [evidence needed]

"Both aspects here are important. Making existing content less janky
makes it easier to compete against other browsers. Making it easier to
create jank-free content makes it easier for the web to compete
against native." - jonas

=== Implementation Strategy ===

==== Outstanding Issues ====
* How do we work with [[Firefox/Content_Performance_Program | Firefox Content Performance program]]
* What forms of jank are we prioritizing?
* What are our use cases, projects, sites that we prioritize
* How do we measure? How do we automate that measure and see our progress over time?

==== How do we measure ====
* Video (compositing on-time).
* Animations (compositing on-time, JavaScript/main thread latency+throughput)
* WebGL/WebVR (compositing on-time, input latency, main thread latency, and JavaScript throughput).
* Scrolling (compositing on-time, input latency, and layout/painting).

==== Sites we care about ====
Important sites, especially those perform worse in Firefox versus Chrome/Safari/IE. Perhaps measu
* []
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==== Internal Projects we care about ====
* Gaia Team
* Partner Engieneering
* Games/VR
* Shumway

==== External Projects ====
And a list of 5 web frameworks that are likely focal points for concerns along these lines.

====Identify existing programs that have the same or similar goals ====
When will they land? If they land did they solve the problem?

*[[Firefox/Content_Performance_Program | Firefox Content Performance program]]
*Async pan zoom
*Off main thread compositing
*Project Silk

== People ==
*Product sponsor/driver: naveed
*Engineering program manager:
*Platform Teams and Team champions:
*Technical lead(s):

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