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1,112 bytes added, 20:01, 1 December 2015
CA Communications
* [[CA:CertPolicyUpdates|Updating Mozilla CA Certificate Policy]] -- How the policy is updated, transitioning to new versions of the policy, things to discuss in regards to updating the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy.
* [[CA:MD5and1024|Dates for Phasing out MD5-based signatures and 1024-bit moduli]]
== CA Community in Salesforce ==
Mozilla's CA Program has its own instance of [ Salesforce] for managing the CA Program data. The [ Salesforce CA Community] enables CAs to directly provide the data for all of the [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.1#Technical_Constraints_or_Auditing.2FDisclosure_of_Intermediate_Certificates|publicly disclosed and audited subordinate CAs]] chaining up to root certificates in Mozilla's program, and to also directly provide data about their [[CA:ImprovingRevocation#Preload_Revocations_of_Intermediate_CA_Certificates|revoked intermediate certificates]]. A [[CA:Information_checklist#CA_Primary_Point_of_Contact_.28POC.29|Primary Point of Contact]] for each [[CA:IncludedCAs|included CA]] will be given a [ Salesforce CA Community]license, so that each of the CAs in Mozilla's program can input, access, and update their intermediate certificate data directly in SalesForce.
* [[CA:SalesforceCommunity|CA Community in Salesforce]]
== CA Communications ==
* [[CA:Communications | Communications sent to CAs]]and their responses
== Maintenance and Enforcement ==
Confirm, administrator

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