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418 bytes added, 21:02, 2 October 2008
Added link to root recommendations
* [[CA:EV_Revocation_Checking|EV certificates and revocation checking]]. This discusses how revocation checking via OCSP or CRLs affects the UI treatment of EV certificates.
* [[CA:Root_Certificate_Requests|Applying for inclusion of CA root certificates]]. This gives step-by-step instructions on how to apply to Mozilla to have your CA's root certificate(s) included in Mozilla products.
* [[CA:Glossary|Glossary of CA- and Mozilla-related terms]]. Useful for following Mozilla CA-related discussions.* [[CA:Certificate Download Specification|Certificate download specification]]. This document describes the data formats used by Mozilla products for installing certificates.* [[CA:Recommendations_for_Roots|Technical recommendations for root certificates]]. This is a very first-cut attempt to outline what root certificates should contain, based on the relevant RFCs as supplemented by existing practices.
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