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Release Management/Calendar

554 bytes removed, 17:58, 3 February 2016
2016 schedule
|Firefox 38.8; 45.1
|Firefox 50||Firefox 49||Firefox 48
|Firefox 47
|Firefox 45.2
|Firefox 51||Firefox 50||Firefox 49
|Firefox 48
|Firefox 45.3
|Firefox 52||Firefox 51||Firefox 50
|Firefox 49
|Firefox 45.4
|Firefox 53||Firefox 52||Firefox 51
|Firefox 50
|Firefox 45.5
||||!2016-1112-1413|Firefox 50.0.1|Firefox 45.5.1|-|rowspan="1"|Q1!2017-01-24
|Firefox 54||Firefox 53||Firefox 52
|Firefox 51
|Firefox 45.6
|Firefox 55||Firefox 54||Firefox 53
|Firefox 52
|Firefox 45.7; 52.0
|Firefox 56||Firefox 55||Firefox 54
|Firefox 53
|Firefox 45.8; 52.1
|Firefox 57||Firefox 56||Firefox 55
|Firefox 54
|Firefox 52.2
|Firefox 58||Firefox 57||Firefox 56
|Firefox 55
|Firefox 52.3
|Firefox 59||Firefox 58||Firefox 57
|Firefox 56
|Firefox 52.4
...and so on, every six weeks.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Some release dates and merge dates are rescheduled to avoid conflicts with holidays.
<p>Note that the merge from beta to release happens ahead of time (usually on the Mon/Tue a week before the release date). [[Release_Management/TeamWiki|Release manager list]]</p>

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