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Security/Safe Browsing

144 bytes added, 21:03, 18 July 2016
History: rephrase the V4 paragraph and add useful links
[ Google Safe Browsing] was an anti-phishing extension released by Google on [] in December 2005. Google has released this extension to the Mozilla Foundation under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 in order that it might be used as part of Firefox if desired. We've landed this change on the trunk as a global extension as of 7 March 2006. You can read the discussion that lead up to to its integration in
Google is started migrating their Safe Browsing to [ /index version 4 of the protocol since ] in 2015 and we . We are now currently working on integrating to V4 in our code base with a incremental approach. That is, we will be landing v4 V4 patches progressively and leave v2 the V2 stack up and running until v4 the V4 is extensively testedand the [[Services/Shavar|Shavar]] server has been upgraded to V4. In other words, v2 V2 and v4 V4 will co-exist for a while to make sure ensure we don't break Safe Browsing feature not broken. See[[Security/Safe_Browsing/V4_Implementation to know |the V4 implementation plan]] for the plans milestones and milestones for v4 implementationbugs involved.
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