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All Hands/2016 Hawaii

20 bytes removed, 22:14, 27 July 2016
Arriving Early/Departing Late Guidelines
* If you plan to spend some extra personal time in Hawaii (choosing to arrive before Monday, December 5th or depart after Saturday, December 10th), you'll need to pull an itinerary for standard dates/locations within the Hawaii Portal. You can sway up to +$100 over and Mozilla will cover it. Otherwise you'll need to come with an alternate itinerary that fits within the pricing (like a round trip in and out of KOA w/ longer dates, and you personally book & cover the rest). We do not have the ability for employees to reimburse Mozilla for any overage.
* If you are attending the Monday Core Influencer's event (by invite).
* If you would like to arrive early to recover from jetlag, you will need manager approval for any additional costs associated with the extension. There is no unilateral "All Hands" approval based upon timezone to arrive early. For hotel, you will book and pay on your own (specific details on how are being worked out nowper hotel instructions below), and expense the manager approved amount (which is coded to your cost center).

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