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CA/Bug Triage

428 bytes added, 00:26, 7 February 2017
Drafting initial text
= This page is a proposal only =
Current CA Dashboard:
<br />
Current CA Bugs Dashboard:
<br /><br />
Why propose change?
* Consistency
* Easier for others to understand whiteboard. i.e. "Information Incomplete" might not be accurate, the information could be complete but not fully verified.
* Easier to see which bugs don't have appropriate whiteboard flags, and triage them.
* Other?
== Bug Triage in Mozilla's CA Certificate Program==
Mozilla’s [[CA:Overview|CA Certificate Program]] governs inclusion of root certificates in [ Network Security Services (NSS),] a set of open source libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. The [[CA:IncludedCAs|NSS root certificate store]] is not only used in Mozilla products such as the [ Firefox] browser, but is also used by other companies in a variety of products.<br /><br />
Confirm, administrator

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