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Mozilla's CA Program uses the Common CA Database, also known as the CA Community in Salesforce, which is a highly customized CRM used for managing CA Program data. The Common CA Database enables CAs to directly provide the data for all of the [[CA:CertificatePolicyV2.1#Technical_Constraints_or_Auditing.2FDisclosure_of_Intermediate_Certificates|publicly disclosed and audited subordinate CAs]] chaining up to root certificates in Mozilla's program, and to also directly provide data about their [[CA:ImprovingRevocation#Preload_Revocations_of_Intermediate_CA_Certificates|revoked intermediate certificates]]. A [[CA:Information_checklist#CA_Primary_Point_of_Contact_.28POC.29|Primary Point of Contact]] for each [[CA:IncludedCAs|included CA]] will be given a [ CA Community]license, so that each of the CAs in Mozilla's program can input, access, and update their intermediate certificate data directly in the Common CA Database.
* [[CA:SalesforceCommunityCommonCADatabase|CA Members of the Common CA Database]]
** A '''CA Member''' is any CA participating in the Common CA Database via [ Community licenses], subject to Mozilla policies. [[CA:SalesforceCommunity#Data_that_CAs_can_Add.2FModify|CA Members]] have restricted access to certain parts of the data in the Common CA Database. They can only modify the data regarding intermediate certificates chaining up to their own root certificates. They have read-only access to root certificate data, and they do not have access to Cases regarding root inclusion/change requests.
* [[CA:CommonCADatabase:RootStoreOperators|Root Store Members of the Common CA Database]]
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