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Release Management/Team members

1,086 bytes added, 13:54, 12 February 2018
Update team members and data about them, add intro, contact link, many minor cleanups and page design
= Current Team =* Manager: [ Sylvestre Ledru (:sylvestre)]* Desktop & Mobile RM: [ Liz Henry (:lizzard)]* Desktop & Mobile RM: [ Ritu Kothari (:ritu)]* Desktop & Mobile RM: [ Gerry Chang (:gchang)]* Desktop & Mobile RM: [ Julien Cristau (:jcristau)]* Nightly RM: [ Marcia Knous (:marcia)]* Nightly PM: [ Pascal Chevrel (:pascalc)]* The Release Engineer: [ Calixte Denizet (:calixte)]* Release Engineer: [ Marco Castelluccio (:marco)]* Release Engineer: [ Jan Keromnes Management team (:janxpart of the Product Integrity department)]* Static Analyzer Specialist: [https://mozilliansensures that we ship the best possible software to our end Andi Bogdan Postelnicu]
The team is comprised of release managers that sheperd our beta and final releases, release engineers that build tools allowing release managers to make more informed decisions on releases, uplift and crashes as well as project managers that make sure we have a sizable and active pre-release population so as to catch functional and stability regressions at the earliest stage possible.
= Team =[[File:Relman-team.JPG|frameright|300px500px|Release Management Team - SFO, April 2017]]* Manager: [ Sylvestre Ledru (:sylvestre)]* Firefox Release Managers:** [ Liz Henry (:lizzard)]** [ Ritu Kothari (:ritu)]** [ Gerry Chang (:gchang)]** [ Julien Cristau (:jcristau)]** [ Ryan VanderMeulen (:RyanVM)]* Firefox Nightly Release Manager and crash analysis: [ Marcia Knous (:marcia)]* Firefox Nightly Project Manager: [ Pascal Chevrel (:pascalc)]* Release Engineers:** [ Calixte Denizet (:calixte)]** [ Marco Castelluccio (:marco)]** [ Jan Keromnes (:janx)]* Static Analyzer Specialist: [ Andi Bogdan Postelnicu]
You can contact our team members via one of the [[Release_Management#Communication_Channels | communication channels]] listed on our home page. Mozilla is an open source project and as such we work with many volunteers across the globe that help us with their technical or regional specific expertise. <br>A special shout-out to[ Philipp Madersbacher (:philipp)] for his crash triage help and his work on identifying regressions reported by our end-users before and after we ship Firefox. = Team Blogs= We blog and tweet as a team there:* [ Release Management Blog]* [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]] [ MozillaReleases] Some of our team members are also active on their personal blog and Twitter:* Liz Henry [] [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]] [ lizhenry]* Sylvestre Ledru [] [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]] [ SylvestreLedru]* Marcia Knous [] [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]][ MozCommunity]* Pascal Chevrel [] [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]] [ pascalchevrel]* Jan Keromnes [ In the clouds] [[File:Twitter-icon.png|16px]] [ jankeromnes] = Alumni =
* Release Quality Manager: [ Robert Kaiser (:KaiRo)]
* Staff Release Manager: [ Lukas Blakk (:lsblakk)] * Manager: [ Lawrence Mandel (:lmandel)]
* Manager: Alex Keybl (:akeybl)
* FirefoxOS/B2G Release Manager: [ Bhavana Bajaj (:bajaj)]
* 2015 Intern/ESR release: [ Kate Glazko]
* 2013 Intern: [ Willie Cheong]
* 2012 Intern: [ Lianne Lee]  [[File:Relman-team2014.JPG|frame|300px|Release Management Team - Portland workweek (2014)]]{{clear}} =Team Blogs=
* Liz Henry [] Twitter: [ @lizhenry]
* Lukas Blakk [] Twitter: [ @lsblakk]
* Bhavana Bajaj [ twitter:@tweetbhavana]
* Benjamin Kerensa [] Twitter: [ @bkerensa]
* Sylvestre Ledru [] Twitter: [ @SylvestreLedru]
* Lawrence Mandel [] Twitter: [ @mmmandel]
* Marcia Knous [] Twitter: [ @MozCommunity]

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