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9 bytes added, 18:32, 10 September 2018
Fixed formatting error.
* '''Special Learning Edition''' - It’s back to school time here in North America and probably lots of the rest of the northern hemisphere too so perhaps that’s why “learning” seems to have worked out to be a recurring theme for our ET headlines this week.
* '''Learning about Rust''' -- It’s great to hear how other developers, teams, and companies have built new products and product ideas in Rust, and in that process what their learning experiences have been. Some great, illuminating and educational examples:
*# After his [ talk on Rust explorations] at Joyent from a few weeks ago, Node.js co-conspirator and generally highly influential systems engineering personality Bryan Cantrill published his first [ production Rust code], and gave [ another talk] about it.*# Rust Language Server is a background resource for IDEs, editors, and other active development tools, intended to make it easy for them to support creating and building applications (and crates) with Rust. Nick Cameron explains what [ 1.0 means] for the Rust Language Server, and what the future looks like.*# Automattic’s Ivan Enderlin [ explains] how Wordpress use a combination of Rust and Binaryen to bring their [ Rust parser for their new modern blog post format] to older browsers.*# Catherine West’s [ keynote at RustConf 2018] provides fabulous insight into why Rust (and the Entity-Component-System pattern) is great for game development, and can help you get started building that video game you’ve always wanted to create:
* '''Learning about the “DWeb”''' -- More and more these days we’re hearing talk about “decentralizing” the Web, broadly inclusive of significant personal and policy questions as well as some very interesting technical challenges. We’re publishing a series of articles on our Hacks Blog to help introduce those topics and some of the innovative developers working to address them, which we think you’ll find informative:
*# [ Introducing the ‘DWeb']*# [ Decentralizing Social Feeds]*# [ Decentralizing files and data] (using WebRTC)*# [ Publishing & Sharing directly from your browser] (no server required)*# [ Re-decentralizing the web as an Interplanetary File System]
* '''Learning by Listening''' -- Our Project Things team recently reached out to developers who’ve downloaded our Things Gateway, asking them to give us some feedback viv a survey. This will help us vet aspects of our adoption hypotheses with different audiences: Firefox users, leading-edge makers, and representative samples of conscious choosers and general population in the US and the UK. If you’re one of those folks and receive the survey, we very much appreciate you spending a few minutes to fill it out. And if not, then it’ll only take about the same amount of time for you to download the Things Gateway and learn what all the excitement is about.

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