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433 bytes added, 16:48, 31 October 2018
Register your nickname: updated to the way that is shown at this page currently
Once you have settled on a nickname here’s how to register:
/msg nickserv ns register [YOUR PASSWORD] [YOUR EMAIL]yourPassword yourEmailAccountName@yourMailProvider
You do not need to include the square brackets. Email address is mandatory.
Get the confirmation code from your email inbox. Type the following command and replace confirmation_code with the code sent to you in the email (NEVER replace the word "nickserv" in /msg nickserv ... with your nick). It has the template shown below. If you don't see our email in any folder (check spam too) you could try /ns resend .  /ns confirm confirmation_code Congratulations! Your nickname is now registeredif you see a message reply containing "Your email address of [YourEmailAdress] has been confirmed".
Next time you log on, you will need to identify yourself to nickserv as follows (<u>after</u> you get the nickname):

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