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69 bytes added, 19:07, 26 November 2018
link 2019 IWC planning and HWCs
== November 26th, 2018 ==
* '''Eight IndieWebCamps Completed in 2018''' -- <span style="float:right">[]</span>This month we hosted [ IndieWebCamp at our Berlin office], the eighth city in this year’s [ series of global grass-roots BarCamps] helping individuals take back their data and online experience from the content silos. By bringing users, designers, and developers together, we helped accelerate the adoption of [ decentralized web standards], from [ Webmention which broke the 1 million mark] at the start of this year, to emerging building blocks like [ Microsub] which enabled the launch of [ new mobile social readers] that put users in control, instead of advertisers & algorithms. And you too can become part of the movement at an IndieWebCamp near you as we have at least eight [ planned for 2019 ] along with the [ monthly HomeBrew Website meetups ] we help host.
* '''Tech Speakers 2019''' -- The applications period for the next round of our Mozilla Tech Speakers program closed on November 22nd (last Tuesday). We had 200 applicants submitted from outstanding candidates representing 41 countries. We appreciate everyone’s interest, and will let you know how the selection process proceeds!
* '''Firefox Reality Update''' -- As we close in on our 1.1 release, we’ve not only landed bookmarks support and a UI completely rebuilt for performance and visual fidelity, but also localized voice and text for 7 additional languages. Thanks to everyone from the l10n team who has pitched in to make that happen! Make sure to try out Firefox Reality, the rest of our AR and VR projects, and everything else we’re doing in ET during the demos session next week in Orlando.
Canmove, confirm

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