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Sheriffing/How To/Retrigger Jobs

235 bytes added, 11:43, 13 November 2019
How to bulk retrigger build bustages a push at a time: add taskcluster root url to retrigger setup
How to use:
# Set the url of the taskcluster instance in which the failing tasks ran (there is also a community taskcluster instance which doesn't get sheriffed): <code>export TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL=</code>
# '''sign in''' with the taskcluster tool ( <span style="color:#b32425">'''eval $(taskcluster signin)'''</span> | if you were not already signed in)
# '''run''' <span style="color:#b32425">''' --state failed --action rerun --graph-id</span> <span style="color:#14866d">geckoDecisionTaskTaskId</span>'''

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