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360 bytes added, 10:48, 20 November 2019
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<div style="orderdisplay: 1block; flex-growmoz-border-radius:10px;background-color:#068989;padding: 320px; margin-top: 0.5em20px; border"><div style="display: 0.1em solid darkgreenblock; padding-moz-border-radius: 0.5em10px; background-color: palegreen#FFFFFF; minpadding:20px;margin-widthtop: auto20px;">
== Micro Climates ==
An exploratory project about We’re in a climate crisis. The internet contributes 2% of the internetworld’s global carbon emissions. And it's impact on the climateonly growing.<br> And what How can we can reduce emissions and advocate for a more sustainable internet? What else could the open internet do for the planet? We invite technologists, designers, climate activists and citizens who care about itthe internet and the planet to dream and develop these idea and even more ambitious ones together</div>
<div style="display: flexblock; flex-flowmoz-border-radius: row wrap10px; widthbackground-color: 100%#FF6A75;padding:20px;margin-top:20px;"><div style="flex-growdisplay: 4; order: 2; margin: 0.5emblock; -moz-border-radius: 0.1em solid darkcyan; padding: 0.5em10px; background-color: lightyellow#FFFFFF; minpadding:20px;margin-widthtop: auto20px;">
== Miniatures ==
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: column; order: 2;">To explore something so big, we first made it very small.
=== The Museum of Fossilized Internet ===
* Endless Scrolling Mice
=== Renewables and the Internet ===
* Wind turbines
* Solar panels
=== Green Future Terrarium===
[[Image:Micro_climates_figures_small.jpg|240px|right]]* Wood Wide Web* Cardio farm* coming soonFungus food computer
<div style="orderdisplay: 1block; flex-growmoz-border-radius: 210px; display: flex; flexbackground-flow: column; margin: 0.5em; bordercolor: 0.1em solid olive#FFBD4F; padding: 0.5em20px; backgroundmargin-colortop: lavender20px;"><div style="display: flexblock; flex-flowmoz-border-radius: column10px; orderbackground-color:#FFFFFF;padding:20px;margin-top: 120px;">
== 1000 Ideas for the Internet and Climate ==
There are thousands of things we can do to make a more sustainable internet. Find out what and add your ideas.
<div style="display: flexblock; flex-flowmoz-border-radius:10px;background-color: row wrap#F690FF; widthpadding: 100%20px;margin-top:20px;"><div style="orderdisplay: 1block; flex-grow: 3; margin: 0.5em; moz-border-radius: 0.1em solid indigo; padding: 0.5em10px; background-color: lightcyan#FFFFFF;padding:20px; minmargin-widthtop: auto20px;">
== Templates and resources ==
* How to make this exhibition
* What we learned* More resources</div>
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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