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383 bytes added, 13:35, 2 January 2020
Future scenarios: edited for clarity
= Future scenarios =
After conducting a series of workshops to gather 1000 ideas for a sustainable internet, we turned identified some of the most more ambitious suggestions into and redrafted them as high-level future scenarios. These scenarios were drafted picked to inspire fresh thinking around what is possible and desirable. While they began from a "tech sector" perspective, we wanted quickly realised that positive visions require us to expand the scope to socio-political and economic concerns as well.
Through discussion and reflection, we hope these scenarios may expose where there is consensus as well as disagreement among participants , while also narrowing down the slate of scenarios to those that generate the most ideas, potential shared goals and actions. It’s a thought experiment and then later help refine we’re going bold (crazy?) on purpose. Help us imagine a set of goals different world, so we can decide which one we would actually want to work towards.  In a next step, we aim to develop these headlines into stories in an effort to identify opportunities, shortfalls, and requirements.
'''A future where…'''
# Everyone recognizes that there The right to repair is a climate emergency globally protected and takes action. While we still may feel fear, indifference, anger, confusion and other strong emotions because the lifecycles of the climate emergency, we electronics are not paralyzedvastly extended.
# Environmental protection is a recognized precondition to human life and hence protected as a human right.
# Pensions, stocks and all other financial benefits for employees are divested from fossil fuels, and all investments are certified as running on clean energy.# Zero waste and the circular economy is the norm.# Responsible travel and sustainable events are the default.# Learning how to live and work sustainably is part of every level of education.# The browser is a change agent to inform, inspire, educate, and promote a sustainable internet.# Equitable and sustainable technology is a requirement for commercial success.# We achieve science-based targets for the environment and use a globally agreed upon mechanism for carbon accountability.
# Climate change denial is outlawed and defunded.
# Learning how All tech workers pledge to live and work sustainably is part of every level of educationnot exploit natural resources (tech-Hippocratic oath). # Equitable All citizens participate in a community service program, allocating a certain amount of time every year, to learn about and implement sustainable technology is a requirement for commercial successpractices. # The browser Everyone recognizes that there is a change agent to informclimate emergency and takes action, inspiremoving from paralysis, educateconfusion, and promote a sustainable internetor anger to tangible solutions. # Design favors green practices over convenience. # Artificial intelligence minimizes is used to minimize the collection and processing of data, and providers are held to account for their carbon emissions.# Zero waste and the circular economy is the norm. # The right to repair is globally protected and the lifecycles of electronics are vastly extended. # All tech workers pledge to not exploit natural resources (tech-hippocratic oath). # Responsible travel and sustainable events are the default. # Pensions, stocks and all other financial benefits for employees are divested from fossil fuels, and all investments are certified as running on clean energy. # All citizens participate in a global community service program to learn about and implement sustainable practices.
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= 1000 Ideas =
There are thousands of things we can do to advance a more sustainable internet.

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