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873 bytes added, 04:46, 23 June 2020
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Hello, I am Hossain Al Ikram, preferred to be called by Ikram, an open source enthusiastcontributing to various open source projects. I like to learn technologies that helps me to level upmy skills. I believe strongly in open opportunities for everyone and support open source cultureand activities. I also do advocacy for promoting Open Source in Bangladesh and promoteBangladesh in Open Source communities around the world including many conference where Ido take part. <br/>I try to do things that I like and try to create rules with ethics and try to live by following thoserules. At the end of my life, I would like to see people loving me for what I am doing now orgoing to do in future.
Friday & Saturday, September 5 & 6, 2014<br/> <br/>
* Firefox OS App Challenge training<br/>
Participated in the event<br/>
Saturday, November 15<br/> <br/>
* Workshop on UI/UX design for Firefox OS Apps<br/>

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