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No change in size, 18:01, 29 June 2020
June 29th, 2020: 12 hours actually
== June 29th, 2020 ==
* '''Safari Web Extensions, WWDC and MDN''' -- Last week at their annual Worldwide Developers Conference Apple announced that Safari is adopting a web-based API for browser [ extensions] similar to Firefox’s WebExtensions API. Built using familiar web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, the API makes it easy for developers to write one code base that will work in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and Safari with minimal browser-specific changes. Users will have more control over their web experience because they can use their favorite extensions everywhere. Moreover, as a result of the collaboration around this announcement, Safari is now covered as part of [ MDN’s Browser Compatibility Data] through information officially contributed and maintained by Apple. Check out the [ Hacks blog post] for more details.
* '''Summer Camp''' -- [ IndieWebCamp West] took place this past weekend, the first 100% online IndieWebCamp based on Pacific Time Zone hours, and it set a new record for IndieWebCamp attendance with well over fifty people taking part in the online stream. It occupied the mid-summer calendar spot that the in-person IndieWeb Summit would have taken, and drew a wide range of creators, web developers, experienced IndieWeb practitioners, and personal website builders of all ages. <br/>'''Over 10 12 hours of videos''' from the keynotes, personal site intros, breakout sessions, and hackday demos along with more recap details are '''[ all posted on the event website]'''. It’s clear more & more people are interested both in taking control of their online presence & data, and expressing themselves with much more creativity online these days, so watch the [ IndieWebCamp Events listings] for info on future sessions and come join us on the '''[ online chat]''' & '''[ weekly Homebrew Website Club meetups]'''!
* '''Expanding the Web of Things''' -- [ We’re excited] about last week’s news from OKdo, highlighting a new kit [ built around Mozilla’s WebThings Gateway] open source code base. OKdo is a UK-based global technology company focused on IoT offerings for hobbyists, educators, and entrepreneurs. Their idea is to make it easy to get a private and secure “web of things” environment up and running in either home or classroom. OKdo chose to build this kit around the Mozilla WebThings Gateway because it is open, standards based, provides strong privacy protection for user data, and has an active community of contributors, and we’ve been delighted to work with them on it.
Canmove, confirm

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