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CA/Application Process

30 bytes removed, 21:24, 7 November 2022
Process Overview: Fixed CCADB URL
#* All information provided by the CA MUST be publicly available.
#* If the CA contracts to another organization to help with the root inclusion request, the representative of the CA must clarify that relationship in their request, and must provide clear information about who the ongoing [[CA/Information_Checklist#CA_Primary_Point_of_Contact_.28POC.29|points-of-contact]] will be for the CA.
# A representative of Mozilla or another Root Store Member of the CCADB [[CA/Application_Verification#Information_Verification|verifies the information provided by the CA]]. '''NEW:''' See [ "Prerequisites" to public discussion] that is conducted on the [ public CCADB discussion list!]# [[CA/Application_Verification#Public_discussion|Public discussion]] for a six-week period begins on the [ public CCADB discussion list]. If no concerns are raised during that time period, then the discussion may close and the request may proceed to the approval phase.
# During the public-discussion phase, a representative of Mozilla, another Root Store Member of the CCADB, or the Community (as agreed by a Mozilla representative) performs a [[CA/Application_Verification#Detailed_Review|detailed review of the CA’s CP/CPS and audit documents]]. During this phase, the CA may be required to update their CP/CPS and audit documents to become fully aligned with [ Mozilla's Root Store Policy].
#* [[CA/CPS_Review|Previous detailed reviews of CA CP/CPS and audit documents]]

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