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CA/Responding To An Incident

172 bytes added, 01:19, 11 January 2023
Keeping Us Informed: Added reference to the CCADB Public list
= Keeping Us Informed =
Once the report is posted, you should respond promptly to questions that are asked, and in no circumstances should a question linger without a response for more than one week, even if the response is only to acknowledge the question and provide a later date when an answer will be delivered. You should also provide updates at least every week giving your progress, and confirm when the remediation steps have been completed - unless Mozilla representatives agree to a different schedule by setting a “Next Update” date in the “Whiteboard” field of the bug. Such updates Updates to important incidents (see e.g. should be posted to either the [ CCADB Public list] or the [ MDSP mailing list], if there is one, and the Bugzilla bug. The bug will be closed when remediation is completed.
= Examples of Good Practice =

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