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CA/Responding To An Incident

97 bytes added, 19:50, 2 May 2023
Keeping Us Informed: Updated language concerning "Next Updates"
= Keeping Us Informed =
Once the report is posted, you should respond promptly to questions that are asked, and in no circumstances should a question linger without a response for more than one week, even if the response is only to acknowledge the question and provide a later date when an answer will be delivered. You should also provide updates at least every week giving your progress, and confirm when the remediation steps have been completed - unless Mozilla representatives agree a root store representative has agreed to a different schedule by setting a “Next Update” date in the “Whiteboard” field of the bugor has announced they consider closing the bug and no further comments have been posted. Updates to important incidents (see e.g. should be posted to either the [ CCADB Public list] or the [ MDSP mailing list] and the Bugzilla bug. The bug will be closed when remediation is completed.
= Examples of Good Practice =

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