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CA/Responding To An Incident

377 bytes added, 22:08, 17 October 2023
Additional changes to reference CCADB incident reporting
Please go to '''''' for detailed information about reporting compliance incidents. (Researchers who report CA incidents such as misissuances are welcome to include a link to that page in their report to the CA, reminding the CA of Mozilla's expectations for incident reporting.)  This page discusses provides supplemental information on Mozilla's expectations regarding the handling of compliance incidents, incident reporting, remediation, and communication. It gives guidance to CAs as to how Mozilla expects them to react to reported incidents such as misissuances, and what the best practices are.  = Overview =
An incident arises any time a CA fails to comply with an applicable requirement found in the Mozilla Root Store Policy, the CA/Browser Forum's requirements, or the CCADB's requirements. As noted in section 2.4 of the Mozilla Root Store Policy, a compliance incident can arise from certificate misissuance, delayed revocation, procedural or operational issues, or some other cause.
A "misissuance" is defined as any certificate issued in contravention of any applicable standard, process or document - so it could be RFC non-compliant, BR non-compliant, issued contrary to the CA's CP/CPS, or have some other flaw or problem.
Much of the content that previously was here has been moved to ''''''. Researchers who report CA incidents such as misissuances are welcome to include a link to that page in their report to the CA, reminding the CA of Mozilla's expectations for incident reporting. Sometimes our guidance is framed in terms of misissuance of certificates; it will need to be adapted as necessary for incidents of a different nature, respecting the spirit of the information requests contained in the standard incident-reporting template.
Other examples of incidents include misconfigured CRLs and OCSP responders, delayed responses, failures to properly communicate information, and any other event affecting trust in the WebPKI which does not involve the actual contents of certificates.
While some forms of incident may be seen as less serious than others, opinions may vary. Mozilla sees all incidents as good opportunities for CA operators to confirm that their incident response processes are working well, and so we expect a similar level of timeliness of response and quality of reporting for all incidents, whatever their adjudged severity.
To be clear, the [ incident report reporting template] and incident-reporting process provide a set of best practices. Therefore, failure to follow one or more of the recommendations alone is not by itself sanctionable. However, failure to do so without good reason may affect Mozilla's general opinion of the CA. Our confidence in a CA is in part affected by the number and severity of incidents, but it is also significantly affected by the speed and quality of incident response.
= Immediate Actions =
Once the problem is diagnosed, if the CA is able to put in place temporary or manual procedures to prevent the problem from re-occurring, it may restart the process even if a full fix is not rolled out. CAs should not restart affected processes until they are confident that the problem will not re-occur.
'''An initial report should be filed within 72 hours of being made aware of the incident.'''
= Revocation =
= Incident Report =
For guidance on incident reporting, first visit ''''''.
Your CA must submit an incident report by [ creating a bug in Bugzilla under the CA Program :: CA Certificate Compliance component]. When the incident is reported only on the CCADB public list or on the [ MDSP mailing list], then a bug will be created to track the incident and its resolution in Bugzilla. CAs are encouraged to announce important incidents on when they involve the Baseline Requirements, other root programs, or the CCADB; or on the Mozilla dev-security-policy list, when they only involve violations of the Mozilla Root Store Policy.

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