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User agent

77 bytes added, 10 July
dfn, AKA UA, replace incomplete dev guidance with a link to MDN instead for broader (and more up to date) guidance, mv FxOS to History, link to MDN user-agent for HTTP
The '''User Agent<dfn>user agent</dfn>''' string (AKA <abbr>UA</abbr> string) is a string which is visible in the HTTP headers of an HTTP client and in the navigator.userAgent object JavaScript for JS enabled client.
Never trust For developer guidance about how to use the user agent string to be accurate , see:* many tablets and phones especially may mislead. To confirm the ability of the browserUS/docs/Glossary/platform use a specific test where available.User_agent
== HTTP ==
For example on Firefox OS devices. User-AgentSee: https: Mozilla/5/developer.0 (Mobile; rv:18mozilla.0) Geckoorg/en-US/18.0 Firefoxdocs/Web/HTTP/Headers/18.0User-Agent
== Browsers with JavaScript ==
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
== History ==
* on Firefox OS devices:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0
== See Also ==
Canmove, confirm

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