This work will be performed on the trunk of Mozilla CVS, with the 1.8 branch preserved largely intact during the development of Firefox 2. Some of the features listed below may be pulled forward into that 1.8 branch for consumption by Firefox 2, and they are indicated by (graphic to be named later).
= Major Areas Of Development =
There are several major areas of development for Gecko 1.9, intended to serve both the applications built on top of it (chiefly Firefox 3) and applications built on the web which need or would benefit from improvements in web technology. Many of these web-facing enhancements will be implementation of existing standards, in whole or in part, but not all.
A rough attempt to categorize these development areas can be found below. Some elements could reasonably be categorized multiply, which is why tags would be better than categories, so please bear with our taxonomy.
== Graphics capabilities ==
=== SVG 1.1 ===
=== Canvas ===
=== XUL2D ===
== JavaScript 2 ==
== Python for XUL ==
== XUL' and XBL2 ==
== Web app deployment and capability improvements ==
=== Offline operation ===
=== Client-local storage ===
== Embedding and application deployment ==
=== XULRunner ===
=== Embedding APIs, widgets, and frameworks ===