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Firefox/Projects/Network Error Pages

505 bytes added, 18:01, 9 March 2009
no edit summary
= Status =
* Simple prototype which adds a search box to # The first cut of the default pageexperimental 404 extension is nearly done. Still need to figure out if we can improve the utility by how we construct the search, ** Intercepts 404s and whether adding suggests alternatives drawn from the search box makes sense places DB.** Uses a cheesy edit-distance approximation implemented entirely in general, or if it only really makes sense for certain error typesSqlite SQL.
= Steps =# Made contact with the Google Link Doctor team.
= To Do = # Identify Get the 3 most important pages experimental extension out to concerned parties: Boriss, Johnath, and Aza, etc. Work with Boriss to improveget a first cut on an official 404 page design.# Pick one of Follow up with contact on Link Doctor team about experimental access to the three pagesLink Doctor service.# Improve Extend the 404 extension to intercept other error types so we can use itto prototype improved error page designs.# Rinse and repeatFigure out how to plumb 404 interception into Firefox proper (talk to Johnath).# Investigate implementing a proper edit-distance algorithm in C++ that can be used with Sqlite.# Come up with a plan for a production-quality Firefox 3.5 patch.
= Goals / Use Cases =

Navigation menu