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JRSL Chile

178 bytes removed, 21:19, 31 July 2009
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** Bring tomorrow Mozilla related communities in Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.
* Accomplished:
** Talked to Rodrigo. He is giving us an estimate for the 26th.
**Talked to William--he is supplying budget information.
* Next Steps:
**Talk with Rodrigo July 1st.
** Alix to speak with Guillermo at FISL to determine what they want to do.
*Mozilla Mexico
*Mozilla Bolivia
*Mozilla Peru
*Mozilla Paraguay
=Mozilla Hispano Camp=
Two day conference with a keynote (by choffman) and talks about community development, l10n, marketing and add-ons. (more details to come)
**Talks will be given and chosen by community members and MoCo.
==Room and Board==
**Triples and Doubles covered by Mozilla
**Breakfast covered by the hotel
~25 people
 = Participantes Participants from Mozilla =*Chris Hofmann*Seth Bindernagel*Juan Becerra*Rey Bango*Pascal Chevrel*Daniel Mills*Laura Mesa 
= Community Participation in Booth and Other Activities =
= Contact information =

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