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146 bytes added, 22:07, 23 October 2009
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''This is the planning page for the Mozilla Drumbeat phase one web site. Content here changes often.''
==[[Image:Drumbeat: Phase One Web Site==front page wireframe.png]]
'''Overview & Goals'''== Drumbeat: Phase One Web Site ==
Mozilla Drumbeat will find and connect people, ideas and actions that make the web better. Drumbeat is launching a PHASE ONE web site. The major goals of this early, beta-type site are to:'''Overview & Goals'''
* “'''Show people what we mean'''.” Explain what Mozilla Drumbeat is will find and where it’s headed -- primarily through powerful examples connect people, ideas and human stories actions that illustrate make the overall concept and show rather than tellweb better.* '''Showcase compelling Drumbeat is launching a) IDEAS, b) PEOPLE and c) ACTION for making the PHASE ONE web better'''site. These are the three The major content streams, and the heart goals of the site.* '''Crowdsource great new content'''. Make it easy for others to submit their own ideasthis early, people and actions, using templates and workflow we provide. This is a key priority for Phase One beta-- we want to create a great container that models the kind of stuff we’re looking for, and make it easy for others type site are to start feeding their own ideas, people and action into it.* '''Showcase and get people excited about a big upcoming EVENT''': Drumbeat Istanbul in June 2010. Make it sexy and trumpet key values: genius ideas, rubbing shoulders with the web’s leading lights, and the prospect of Internet “fame and fortune.”
*“'''Show people what we mean'''.” Explain what Mozilla Drumbeat is and where it’s headed -- primarily through powerful examples and human stories that illustrate the overall concept and show rather than tell. *''In addition'Showcase compelling a) IDEAS, b) PEOPLE and c) ACTION for making the Phase One site will:web better'''. These are the three major content streams, and the heart of the site. * Encourage the best '''Crowdsource great new content '''. Make it easy for others to float to the top. Get an early sense of which THEMESsubmit their own ideas, IDEASpeople and actions, PEOPLE & ACTION have the most traction using templates and interest with our audiencesworkflow we provide. Use This is a simple voting & reviewing layer (probably Digg) key priority for Phase One -- we want to create a great container that models the kind of stuff we’re looking for, and make this it easyfor others to start feeding their own ideas, people and action into it.* '''Showcase LOCAL events and action, primarily in the form of short, Ignite-style presentations. Trumpet the get people excited about a big upcoming EVENT''': Drumbeat Istanbul event at the center -- but also local events and opportunities for participation around the edges and in your community. Should feel like a global communityJune 2010.* Capture a “co-opetive” spirit Make it sexy and flavor. * Be easy to share socially trumpet key values: genius ideas, rubbing shoulders with the web’s leading lights, and push content to the places people are already atprospect of Internet “fame and fortune.
==Planning Documents==''In addition, the Phase One site will:''
'''[[Drumbeat/website/brief|2*Encourage the best content to float to the top. Get an early sense of which THEMES, IDEAS, PEOPLE & ACTION have the most traction and interest with our audiences. Use a simple voting & reviewing layer (probably Digg) to make this easy. *Showcase LOCAL events and action, primarily in the form of short, Ignite-page web site brief]]''' A quick overview on goals, scope style presentations. Trumpet the big Istanbul event at the center -- but also local events and strategy opportunities for participation around the edges and in your community. Should feel like a global community. *Capture a “co-opetive” spirit and flavor. *Be easy to share socially and push content to the Phase One web siteplaces people are already at.
'''[[Drumbeat/website/wireframes|Wireframes]]''' Early web site wireframes and conceptual mock-ups.== Planning Documents ==
==Content Strategy=='''[[Drumbeat/website/contentstrategybrief|Discussion notes on Content Strategy2-page web site brief]]''' TO COME MONDAY. A more in-depth review of quick overview on goals, scope and strategy for the three major content streams: IDEAS, PEOPLE & ACTIONPhase One web site.
'''[[Drumbeat/website/intaketemplateswireframes|"What we're looking for"Wireframes]]''' TO COME MONDAY. Describing what we hope to attract. Examples, criteria & constraints. Use cases & user storiesEarly web site wireframes and conceptual mock-ups.
==Site Tools & ExamplesContent Strategy ==
'''[[Drumbeat/website/siteexamplescontentstrategy|WordPress tools & examplesDiscussion notes on Content Strategy]]''' Examples TO COME MONDAY. A more in-depth review of rapid WordPress implementations we likethe three major content streams: IDEAS, plus cool potential tools and templatesPEOPLE & ACTION.
==WordPress Developer Search=='''[[Drumbeat/website/intaketemplates|"What we're looking for"]]''' TO COME MONDAY. Describing what we hope to attract. Examples, criteria & constraints. Use cases & user stories.
'''[[ Site Tools &hlamp; Examples ==en| WordPress developers]]''' Spreadsheet of potential WordPress developers
'''[[Drumbeat/website/siteexamples|WordPress tools & examples]]''' Examples of rapid WordPress implementations we like, plus cool potential tools and templates.
== WordPress Developer Search ==
'''[[Filehttp:Drumbeat_front_page_wireframe//| WordPress developers]]''' Spreadsheet of potential WordPress developers  <br>

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