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[[Drumbeat/website/feedback | Please post your ideas, suggestions and questions here.]]'''
== Phase One Webs Site Overview &amp; Goals ==
Mozilla Drumbeat will find and connect people, ideas and actions that make the web better. Drumbeat is launching a PHASE ONE web site. The major goals of this early, beta-type site are to:
*“'''Show people what we mean'''.” Explain what Mozilla Drumbeat is and where it’s headed -- primarily through powerful examples and human stories that illustrate the overall concept and show rather than tell.
*'''Showcase compelling PEOPLE and PROJECTS making the web better'''.
*'''Crowdsource great new content'''. Make it easy for others to submit their own ideas, people and actions, using templates and workflow we provide. This is a key priority for Phase One -- we want to create a great container that models the kind of stuff we’re looking for, and make it easy for others to start feeding their own ideas, people and action into it.
*'''Showcase and get people excited about a big upcoming EVENT''': Drumbeat Istanbul in June 2010. Make it sexy and trumpet key values: genius ideas, rubbing shoulders with the web’s leading lights, and the prospect of Internet “fame and fortune.”
''In addition, the Phase One site will:''
*Encourage the best content to float to the top. Get an early sense of which THEMES, PROJECTS & PEOPLE have the most traction and interest with our audiences. Use a simple voting &amp; reviewing layer (probably Digg) to make this easy.
*Showcase LOCAL events and action, primarily in the form of short, Ignite-style presentations. Trumpet the big Istanbul event at the center -- but also local events and opportunities for participation around the edges and in your community. Should feel like a global community.
*Capture a “co-opetive” spirit and flavor.
*Be easy to share socially and push content to the places people are already at.
== Project Brief & Timelines ==
''To be updated Nov 9 & 10. Much of what we had here needs to be updated to reflect latest thinking.''
== Content Strategy & User Stories ==
''To be updated Nov 9 & 10.

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