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556 bytes added, 16:57, 17 November 2009
Key Questions
==Key Questions==
Given that we need two sites that
a) share a large amount of Drupal functionality, and
b) need to share a common CiviCRM back end...
* Can we do a [|Drupal multi-site install], with two sites leveraging the same code base?
* Assuming this multi-site approach is feasible, what's the best way to resource and support that approach?
** How do we ensure smooth workflow and back-and-forth between the team and Drumbeat site team?
** What's the best way to divide up the work?
*** In terms of Drupal vs. CiviCRM work?
*** In terms of specific roles? (e.g., graphic design & theming, lead Drupal development / customziation, advice & support, quality assurance, etc.)
* What specific parts of does the Drumbeat site want to leverage?
** In terms of Drupal functionality?
** In terms of CiviCRM functionality?
* '''Is a [|Drupal multi-site install] -- with both Drumbeat and sharing a single codebase -- the best approach?'''
* What other modules and custom work do we need to add to get the feature set we want?
** e.g., if we used the Mozillians organic groups set up for Drumbeat 'projects,' we'd need to add things like a blog aggregator and wiki
* Timelines. What's realistic by deadline. How do we go faster?
* How can we protect the integrity of Drumbeat's front-end designs? Graphic design and usability are important priorities for Drumbeat. ** How do we ensure the front-end work we're doing in Photoshop is actually implementable?
==CRM requirements==

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