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143 bytes added, 02:20, 16 March 2006
add wraparound attribute
The widget supports all the attributes and properties of the textbox, and implements nsIDOMXULTextBoxElement.
All attributes shown above have a corresponding property. The decimalPlaces rerty property corrsponds to the decimalplaces atribute. The wrapAround property corresponds to the wraparound attribute.
; min : The minimum value the number in the field may be. The value cannot be decreased below this value. The default value is 0.
; increment : The amount the number in the field is incremented or decremented when the arrows are pressed. The default value is 1.
; decimalplaces : the number of decmal places to display. The default value is 0, which doesn't show decimal places.
; wraparound : if true, the values will wrap around when reachng the minimum or maximum values. Both the min and max must not be Infinity.
The special value Infinity may be used for either the min or max attributes to indicate no minimum or maximum value, which generally means the lowest or highest value possible that can be supported.
Negative values are also supported for the min, value and max attributes.
Only the characters 0-9 may be displayed in the field. If the min attribute is less than 0, the minus sign (-) may also be entered. If the decimalplaces attribute is greater than 0, the locale dependant decimal point symbol may also be entered. Other locale-specific separator characters may also be allowed.

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