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2,268 bytes added, 06:56, 1 February 2010
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If your product has as many users as Thunderbird and you get 80 new (or more! support topics per day through Get Satisfaction, then using the Get Satisfaction interface "as is" is too slow. The GS web interface is great if you deal with less than 10 (in total! the amount of new topics, replies to old topics and comments Thunderbird receives is about 300/day) topics a day but it breaks down after that. Too much scrolling and clicking.
This page is an attempt to develop a spec specification for software (e.g. Firefox extension, Thunderbird extension, but it could be anything that accelerates support using Get Satisfaction). It orginally stated off as a thread on Get Satifasction at:
I have asked for input from Other Get Satisfaction Community managers to develop this spec and welcome more! Please edit this page!
== Spec ==
== Deal with the 80% known first ==
=== Flag Duplicates ===
# Edit the title to make it more descriptive (unfortunately over 50% of the Thunderbird Topic Titles are not helpful e.g. "help", "ramblings" so I re-title to enable quick scanning of the titles from the management view or by normal GS users)
# Add tags so I can find it later (and so users can find it later via google or a GS search)
# Delete noisy tags that don't make it easier to find this topic in a search like e-mail, thunderbird, email, mail, annoying (or any other emotion, GS has a dedicated field for emotion!)
# Do a Moderator Update (usually set it to Answered or change to Problem, In Progress or Acknowledged)
== Would be nice ==
# Tag auto-complete
# Suggested Tags
# A way to auto-complete for a "moderator taxonomy" i.e. if moderators tag in a certain way which I will call the moderator taxonomy, have the auto complete only suggest tags in the moderator taxonomy, this would be easier if GS's "usser defined codes" feature allowed more than one code per topic. If that were the case the user defined codes coud be the moderator taxonomy.
# Whem mousing over a user, display last 3 replies, new topics or comments in order to quickly see if a user has duplicated their topic, reply or comment in another topics
# remove the prompts for removing tags, other GS moderators remove all tags and then add their own i.e. don't use user tags
# search by user or easily find things by that user (probably on mouseover)
== Implementation ==
=== Arielle's Implementation Ideas ===
I agree - waiting for the page to load and scrolling up and down for each change is time-consuming. I think it'd be ideal if the logged-in state for moderators displayed pages similarly as the new topic form, with all fields editable prior to saving. Even better if the page displayed in a more condensed, less stylized format.
# only click "save" once after making all edits (including replies, comments, moderator updates, tags, user defined code)
# able to tab through each editable field/moderator options sequentially to avoid scroll
=== Implementation for Roland and Thunderbird ===
The first implementation of this spec will be for Thunderbird, specifically, Roland Tanglao, because I simply don't have time to wait to get consensus and implement something that will work for everybody, i.e. I need this yesterday. It will be open source so feel free to enhance, modify and copy !
Bryan Clark, Lead UI Designer has written (in about 2 hours at an airport, thanks for taking some of your precious time!) a "flag duplicate" prototype in the form of a Firefox Jetpack extension which is very very crude. Crude meaning it doesn't work :-). It does add a duplicate link and then try to read a list of common topics but that part doesn't work.
The code is here:

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