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167 bytes added, 07:00, 1 February 2010
Arielle's Implementation Ideas
=== Arielle's Implementation Ideas ===
Roland's note: no time to edit this, so I just copied it in, Arielle, feel free to add your further thoughts of course)
''Arielle wrote'':
I agree - waiting for the page to load and scrolling up and down for each change is time-consuming. I think it'd be ideal if the logged-in state for moderators displayed pages similarly as the new topic form, with all fields editable prior to saving. Even better if the page displayed in a more condensed, less stylized format.
# only click "save" once after making all edits (including replies, comments, moderator updates, tags, user defined code)
# able to tab through each editable field/moderator options sequentially to avoid scroll
=== Implementation for Roland and Thunderbird ===

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