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40 bytes added, 00:37, 23 July 2010
remaining tasks: Hixie color tests not priority for CSS3 Color PR
** ...
* reconfirm that any/all dependent specs are in CR (or later)
* Figure out what to do with hixie's tests
* collect new features for CSS3.1/4 Color
** follow-up on color management properties for css3-color that were discussed at 2009 November TPAC CSS f2f (but later punted from css3-color to a future version).
*** contact Beth regarding level of implementation interest, plan to move forward with putting the color management property into a post-css3 working draft of the Color Module
* write a first working draft of CSS3.1/4 Color with collected feature(s) (even if it includes just a new color management property)
* find out where Hixie's tests went (was at ) and figure out what to do with them.
=== UI Layout ===
Canmove, confirm

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