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1,394 bytes added, 00:50, 6 August 2010
Proposed Specification
The current fullscreen element for the document is set to this element.
Typically the user agent would react by transitioning the Document to the fullscreen state, or by presenting asynchronous confirmation UI and transitioning to the fullscreen state if/when the user responds affirmatively. However, the user agent is not required to do anything at all in response to requestFullScreen. The user agent's behavior is allowed to vary depending on whether requestFullScreen is called during a user event (e.g. a mouse click handler).
When the ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT flag is not specified, requestFullScreen hints to the UA that while in fullscreen state, the toplevel browsing context for this Document should have keys disabled. While keys are disabled, there may be a reduced risk of spoofing attacks inducing the user to input inappropriate data, and the UA may choose to relax restrictions on entering fullscreen state with keys disabled.
* allowfullscreen
This is a boolean attribute. When this attribute is not set, UAs should must ignore fullscreen requests in the iframe or its descendant frames.
New events:
Note that it is possible for a document to position content over an element with the :full-screen pseudo-class, for example if the :full-screen element is in a container with z-index not 'auto'.
== Suggested UA Policy ==
The specification intentionally gives UAs great freedom in policy, because no one policy can fit all users, devices, and user interface designs. However, here is a policy that should be suitable for conventional desktop browsers.
* requestFullScreen while the window is already in the fullscreen state is approved.
* Otherwise, requestFullScreen outside a user action (e.g. a non-synthesized input event handler) is denied.
* Otherwise, requestFullScreen without the ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT flag is approved.
* Otherwise, passive confirmation UI is presented and requestFullScreen is approved if and when the user approves it.
== Implications ==
There is no requirement to exit fullscreen state when a browsing context is navigated to a new page.
There is no requirement to exit fullscreen state if the current fullscreen element shifts to another element, or ceases to be an element in the document (e.g. because requestFullScreen was called again in the document or in some descendant document, or because the element is removed).
Nothing in this specification depends on whether the current fullscreen element is visible (e.g. whether it has "display:none").
Nothing in this specification affects or depends on focus.
== Examples ==

Navigation menu