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644 bytes added, 10:31, 28 August 2010
CSS3 UI: UI selectors, details on which drafts to write in which order for maximum thruput in CSSWG
** Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius]
* document claims of existing implementations(CSSWG implementers have until 2010-09-17 to submit claims of implementation)
** Webkit CSS3 UI -
** Opera CSS3 UI -
*** [ :indeterminate]
*** [ ::-moz-selection] - needs removal of prefix.
*** [ :-moz-placeholder]
*** more UI related pseudo-classes discussed in [ devmo CSS Reference]
*** [ -moz-appearance] - needs analysis to figure out if it complies with intent of 'appearance' property
* reducing feature set down to what's been implemented in more than one browser
** produce a write new CSS3 UI LCWD editors draft with only non-at-risk features based on above implementation evidence (or imminent implementation- kept at risk)** while figuring out what we write new UI Selectors FPWD editors draft with all new UI selectors (CSS WGconsider limiting to those with at least one implementation, any with less than 2 implementations, mark at risk up front) would want to move / keep for a ** write CSS4 UI FPWD with:*** stuff from CSS3.1UI that only had one implementation (that we believe is worthy of standardizing, or at least one other implementer expresses interest on)*** forward reaching properties/4 UI module values to enable native- perhaps start that interfaces
* collect/address new CSS3 UI LCWD issues as they are reported
** respond to all the commenters on issues with proposed resolutions (hopefully thus addressing their concerns and resolving the issues accordingly)
** incrementally draft new CSS3-UI CR draft accordingly
* wait for new CSS3 UI LCWD last-call period to end
* write UI Selectors LCWD - with features with at least one implementation, any with less than 2 implementations, mark at risk.
* edit CSS3-UI CR draft accordingly that is ready for PR
* WG processes for taking it to PR
Canmove, confirm

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