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Legal/Infringement Notices

17,109 bytes added, 02:16, 29 September 2010
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cabinet giliesvercken<br>------ avocate ------<br>En partenariat avec les Professeurs<br>Michel Vivant et Valerie.Laure Benabou<br>18Dear Ms Compton, avenue Victoria 75 001 Paris<br>Tel. : 01 4221 3476<br>Fax: 01 42 21 32 77<br>Mobile: 0607971462<br><br>www. gillesvercken. com<br>By registered letter with return receipt<br>By Fax: + I 650-903-0875
Paris, April 14th 2010<br>Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041<br>USAPlease find below the details requested.
<br>RE http: INFRINGEMENT TO IP RIGHTS// : unauthorized use of the name and the trademark TINTIN®
Dear Sir, : unauthorized use of a visual coming from the Work of Hergé
I am Kewego's lawyer : unauthorized use of a visual coming from the Work of Hergé
Kewego provides : unauthorized use of a white label hosting video platform on the web to many clients in France and all<br>over visual coming from the world.Work of Hergé
Kewego noticed that, since February 10,2010 an "add" application allowing US/persona/99489 : unauthorized use of a visual coming from the download, via<br>firefox browser, Work of videos that are broadcast only on streaming, is provided on your website:Hergé
httpshttp://addonswww.mozillagetpersonas.orgcom/en-US/firefoxpersona/addon/75778192883 : unauthorized use of a visual coming from the Work of Hergé
httpshttp://addonswww.mozillagetpersonas.orgcom/fren-US/firefoxpersona/addon/75778215275 : unauthorized use of a visual coming from the Work of Hergé
This "add" is proposed under US/persona/215285 : unauthorized use of the name of "Kewego", even if my client is not involved in and the<br>development trademark TINTIN® + unauthorized adaptation of this application.a character created by Hergé (Tintin)
<br>We are also writing directly to the developer on the email he put on your websitethank you in anticipation for removing these items as soon as possible.
I draw your attention of the fact that this "add-on" is infringing Kewego's rights by:Sincerely yours,
using the "kewego" trademark,<br>using the kewego logo protected by the copyright,
Moreover, the use of Kewego's name can be consider as unfair competition under art 1382 of the<br>French civil Code.
This "add-on" may also have been done by infringing Kewego's right over the software applicationsMagali Soubras<br>use on its video platformsLegal Department<br> <br>MOULINSART SA<br>Avenue Louise, 162<br>1050 Bruxelles<br>Tel.: +32 2 626 24 21<br>Fax. : + 32 2 646 14 59<br>
Lastly, this "add-on" allowing downloading This email and any attached files are confidential and may be legally privileged. It may contain information protected content stream on Kewego's platforms infringes<br>Kewego's agreements made with by intellectual property rights holders . Any reproduction or adaptation of its attachments must first be authorised in writing by Moulinsart SA, the exclusive worldwide owner of all exploitation rights regarding the contentswork of Hergé.The sender is in no way liable for any errors or omissions in the content of this message, who allowed the streaming or any damages which may arise as a result of their<br>videos but email transmission.Do not its downloadhesitate to contact us [], should you need any further information."
Kewego therefore hereby formally request that you immediately cease, totally and unconditionally the<br>distribution of this "add-on" from your website and that you take the appropriate arrangements to----Original Message-----<br>avoid this application to appears again on your web siteFrom: Elizabeth Compton []<br>Sent: jeudi 27 mai 2010 19:58<br>I inform you that my client does not want to start any action in front of the Courts, against yourTo: Magali Soubras<br>corporation or even against the developer, since the application is quickly removed.Subject: Re: MOULINSART DMCA
But if any action should be stmt in the futureDear Ms. Soubras, you are formally request to keep the connection data of<br>the developer you have.
Due to our ethical rules We are in receipt of your DMCA notice. Because the name of our professiona Persona does not necessarily mean that the design is infringing and because new Personas are added and old ones removed on a regular basis, we must require rights holders to identify the specific Personas that are entirely at your lawyer disposalallegedly infringing rather than simply search results. We hope you understand the need for this requirement and we are ready to take down the Personas you identify as soon as we receive the needed information.
Sincerely yours, Liz Compton<br>Mozilla Legal Team ----- Original Message -----<br>From: "Magali Soubras" &lt;;<br>To:<br>Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 6:08:14 AM<br>Subject: MOULINSART DMCA   <br>Dear Sir,   Pleas find enclosed our DMCA regarding unauthorized reproduction of elements coming from the Work of Hergé.   Sincerely yours,   Magali Soubras<br>Legal Department   MOULINSART SA<br>Avenue Louise, 162<br>1050 Bruxelles<br>Tel. : +32 2 626 24 21<br>Fax. : + 32 2 646 14 59     "This email and any attached files are confidential and may be legally privileged. It may contain information protected by intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or adaptation of its attachments must first be authorised in writing by Moulinsart SA, the exclusive worldwide owner of all exploitation rights regarding the work of Hergé.The sender is in no way liable for any errors or omissions in the content of this message, or any damages which may arise as a result of email transmission.Do not hesitate to contact us [], should you need any further information."<br><br> MOULINSART 1. Signature: 2. The exclusive rights of MOULINSART SA are being violated by material available upon your site at the following URL : http://www.getpersonas.comfenUSfgalleryfAllfsearch?<br>p=TINTIN&amp;search.x=O&amp;sear 3. MOULINSART SA is the exclusive worldwide owner of all exploitation rights related to the Work of HERGE, and notably of the rights to reproduce, to adapt and to represent strips,<br>characters, names and symbols coming from the well-known comic strip series "The Adventures of TlNTlN"<br>Each use of the work of Herge must be submitted to the prior written authorisation of Moulinsart SA.<br>The visuals available on the website as well as the opportunity to download them are not authorized by MOULINSART SA. 4. Contact information:<br>MOULINSART SA<br>Avenue Louise, 162<br>1050 Brussels<br>Belgium<br>+32 2 626 24 21<br> 5. We have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such a fashion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder's agent, or the law. 6. Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, we state that the information contained in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on the behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question. I hereby request that you remove or disable access to this material as it appears on your service in as expedient a fashion as possible. Thank you. Regards,<br>Magali Soubras<br>MOULINSART SA<br>162 AVENUE LOUISE - B-1050 BRUXELLES - TEL. (322) 6262421- FAX (322) 644 53 67<br><br>RCB 488174 - TVA 430 246 468 - COMPTE DEXIA 068 2287581 57<br><br> <br> ---- cabinet giliesvercken<br>------ avocate ------<br>En partenariat avec les Professeurs<br>Michel Vivant et Valerie.Laure Benabou<br>18, avenue Victoria 75 001 Paris<br>Tel.&nbsp;: 01 4221 3476<br>Fax: 01 42 21 32 77<br>Mobile: 0607971462<br><br>www. gillesvercken. com<br>By registered letter with return receipt<br>By Fax: + I 650-903-0875  Paris, April 14th 2010<br>Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041<br>USA  <br>RE&nbsp;: INFRINGEMENT TO IP RIGHTS  Dear Sir,  I am Kewego's lawyer.  Kewego provides a white label hosting video platform on the web to many clients in France and all<br>over the world.  Kewego noticed that, since February 10,2010 an "add-on" application allowing the download, via<br>firefox browser, of videos that are broadcast only on streaming, is provided on your website:  This "add-on" is proposed under the name of "Kewego", even if my client is not involved in the<br>development of this application.  We are also writing directly to the developer on the email he put on your website.  I draw your attention of the fact that this "add-on" is infringing Kewego's rights by:  using the "kewego" trademark,<br>using the kewego logo protected by the copyright,  Moreover, the use of Kewego's name can be consider as unfair competition under art 1382 of the<br>French civil Code.  This "add-on" may also have been done by infringing Kewego's right over the software applications<br>use on its video platforms.  Lastly, this "add-on" allowing downloading protected content stream on Kewego's platforms infringes<br>Kewego's agreements made with rights holders of the contents, who allowed the streaming of their<br>videos but not its download.  Kewego therefore hereby formally request that you immediately cease, totally and unconditionally the<br>distribution of this "add-on" from your website and that you take the appropriate arrangements to<br>avoid this application to appears again on your web site.<br>I inform you that my client does not want to start any action in front of the Courts, against your<br>corporation or even against the developer, since the application is quickly removed.  But if any action should be stmt in the future, you are formally request to keep the connection data of<br>the developer you have.  Due to our ethical rules of our profession, we are entirely at your lawyer disposal.  Sincerely,<br>Gilles Vercken<br><br>
Sorry about that. I'm from Vancouver, BC, Canada.
I hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the copyright that is being infringed.
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Elizabeth Compton &lt;; wrote:
Hi again Arun,
Thank you for the additional information. Under U.S. copyright law, however, the DMCA notice must include certain elements. One of those is that the statement about you being the copyright owner must be made under penalty of perjury. For example, "I hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the copyright that is being infringed." Could you also please identify the city and country where your address is located?
Liz Compton<br> Mozilla ----
----- Original Message -----<br> From: "Arun Dhir" &lt;;<br> To: "Elizabeth Compton" &lt;;<br> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 3:41:56 PM<br> Subject: Re: A Firefox Persona uses my artwork
DMCA Notice:
Work infringed upon &nbsp;:
Description of infringement:
The following persona uses a slightly modified version of my image.
The entire rightmost side is exactly my image and the left of it is just copy and pasted from my original.
Personal Details:
Name: Arun Dhir<br> Phone: [phone number removed]<br> Address: [street address removed]
<br> I believe in good faith that the use of this material I claim infringes on my copyright is not authorized by law. All information in this DMCA Notice is accurate. I am the owner of the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Elizabeth Compton &lt; &gt; wrote:
Hi Arun,
Hi ArunThank you for your email. Before we can take any action on your request,we need to receive a notice that complies with the requirements of the DMCA. You can find those requirements by scrolling down to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice section on this page: . In particular, you must include (i) in addition to your name and telephone number, your mailing address, and (ii) a statement under penalty of perjury that you are either the owner of, or a person authorized to act on behalf of an owner of, the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.
Thank you for your email. Before we can take any action on your request, Once we need to receive a DMCA compliant notice that complies with the requirements of the DMCA. You can find those requirements by scrolling we will take down to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice section on this page: . In particular, you must include (i) in addition to your name reported Persona and telephone number, forward your mailing address, and (ii) a statement under penalty of perjury that you are either notice to the owner of, or a person authorized to act on behalf of an owner of, the exclusive copyright right that is being infringedwho posted it.
Once we receive a DMCA compliant notice we will take down the reported Persona and forward your notice to the person who posted it.Sincerely,
Sincerely,Liz Compton<br> Mozilla
Liz Compton<br> Mozilla----
----- Original Message -----<br> From: "Arun Dhir" &lt; &gt;<br> To:<br> Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 5:35:00 PM<br> Subject: A Firefox Persona uses my artwork
Hi, I'm Arun Dhir and a few years ago, I created a design based upon Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. It can be found here:
A friend phoned me one day to congratulate me for having a very popular persona, with over 40,000 users. I was surprised because I didn't remember submitting one. He gave me the following link:<br> , which contained a modified version of my artwork.
My phone number is [phone number removed]. You may phone me for further details.
<br> This is a statement by me that I believe in good faith that the use of this material I claim infringes on my copyright is not authorized by law. All information in this DMCA Notice is accurate. I
--<br> Arun Dhir
"To be is to do" - Socrates<br> "To do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre<br> "Do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra<br> "Scooby dooby doo" - Scooby Doo<br><br>
Dear mozilla staff,
I am writing to you to avail myself of my rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I wish to report an instance of what I feel in good faith is an instance or Copyright Infringement. The infringing material appears on the Service for which you are the designated agent.
You are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as the Designated Service Provider Agent to receive notifications of alleged Copyright infringement with respect to users of the Service for which you are the Designated Agent.
1. The material which I contend belongs to me, and appears illegally on the Service is the following:
Hippie (
<br>2. The material appears at the website addresses:
<br>3. The material appears on my Web site at these addresses:
Hippie (
4. The infringing material is available through the following search results and links
5. My contact information is as follows:
Satu Olkkola,<br>Porthaninkatu 5 a 27<br>00530 Helsinki<br>Finland<br>Ph. +358445485785<br><br>
6. I have a good faith belief that the use of the material that appears on the service is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by operation of law.
7. The information in this notice is accurate, and I am the copyright owner. It should be noted that we are researching the existence of other images that are copyrighted material.
I declare under the perjury laws of the United States of America that this notification is true and correct.
Signed: Satu Olkkola (artist name: Satu Oli)<br>Uudessa IE8 selaimessa on uudet pikatoiminnot. Lataa.<br><br>
Tel: +44 (0) 203 367 3451<br>Fax: +44 (0) 203 367 4909<br>****************************************************<br>
Dear Liz
Can you please have the following personas removed as they infringe our<br>rights in the Burberry Check trade mark:
<br>Regards<br>Jeff Warren<br>Counsel - Intellectual Property
Burberry Limited<br>Horseferry House<br>Horseferry Road<br>London SW1P 2AW
Tel: +44 (0) 203 367 3451<br>Fax: +44 (0) 203 367 4909
<br>This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the addressee of this e-mail please do not copy or forward it or otherwise use it or any part of it in any form whatsoever. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager on
References in this Data to "Burberry" are references to Burberry Group<br>plc, a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number<br>03458224 whose registered office is at Horseferry House, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2AW<br>and where the context requires, includes its subsidiaries and<br>associated undertakings.<br>********************************************************<br>
From: Jeff Warren<br>Sent: 14 May 2010 15:22<br>To: 'Elizabeth Compton'<br>Subject: RE: Trade Mark Notice
<br>Dear Liz
People keep making infringing personas using our name, check and now<br>copyright protected advertising photos.
Can these not be proactively stopped before they are uploaded?
Can you please have these removed:<br> and
and<br><br>Regards<br>Jeff Warren<br>Counsel - Intellectual Property
Burberry Limited<br>Horseferry House<br>Horseferry Road<br>London SW1P 2AW  Tel: +44 (0) 203 367 3451<br>Fax: +44 (0) 203 367 4909 <br>  **********************************************************<br> Dear Elizabeth Another Burberry persona has been uploaded:<br><br>212114 Can these not be stopped before they are live on the site? Regards<br>Jeff Warren<br>Counsel - Intellectual Property
Burberry Limited<br>Horseferry House<br>Horseferry Road<br>London SW1P 2AW
Tel: +44 (0) 203 367 3451<br>Fax: +44 (0) 203 367 4909 <br>********************************************************<br> Dear Liz Can you please have this persona removed as it reproduces the Burberry<br>Check, Burberry word mark and our copyright protected advertising photos<br>without our permission: <br>Regards<br>Jeff Warren<br>Counsel - Intellectual Property Burberry Limited<br>Horseferry House<br>Horseferry Road<br>London SW1P 2AW Tel: +44 (0) 203 367 3451<br>Fax: +44 (0) 203 367 4909<br><br>
NCTM<br> Studio Legale Associate<br> Avv. Suite Ricci<br>Avv. Gabriele Consiglio<br>Avv. Paolo Lazzarino Aw. Gianluca Massimei <br>Rome, May 28th, 2010 <br>By mail at: <br>Mr. Andrew P, Bridges <br>WINSTON&amp;STRAWN LLP<br>1 01 California Street <br>RE: Ferrari S.p.A./Mozilla Corporation (our ref. 82274) <br>Dear Mr, Bridges,<br>by this letter in the name and on behalf of FERRARI S.p.A, (FERRARI) of Maranello, following your previous e-mail dated March 24, 2010, we wish to represent you as follows.<br>With reference to your request n. 1, please find hereunder the URL of some of the web pages where are published images reproducing Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes, the Models, Designs, Trade Names of FERRARI:<br>;cat=personas<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=2<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=3 <br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=4<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=5<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=6;cat=personas<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=2<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=3<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=4<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=5<br>;cat=personas&amp;show=20&amp;page=6<br>;search.x=0&amp;search.y=0<br><br> Please also note that:<br>(i) this list can not be considered exhaustive;<br>(ii) each of the above URL refers to web pages containing further links which enable the downloading of the various graphic themes.<br>According to your request n. 2, as you may know, FERRARI is the registered owner of a considerable number of Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes, the Models, Designs, Trade Names.<br>For such reason, is not possible to indicate all the IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) illegitimately reproduced in the images used for the "Add-ons" and "Personas" services . In any case, please find attached some short-lists of the principal Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes, the Models, Designs, Trade Names of exclusive property of FERRARI, with a specific reference to the US market.<br>To this purpose you can also consult the data banks both of the International Organizations and Agencies specialized in IPRs. in particular WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and OHIM (Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market - Furopean Union), and of the National Patent and Trademark Offices. Therefore, without prejudicing or waiving rights of FERRARI to seek further remedies or relief, we DEMAND again your client to comply with the following: <br>(i) immediately remove from each of your web sites all the pictures, images and any other multi-media content reproducing Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes, Models, Designs, Trade Names and any other distinctive sign of exclusive property of FERRARI S.p.A, and/or look alike them;<br>(ii) immediately and forever desist from any use of Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes, Models Designs, Trade Names and any other distinctive sign of exclusive property of FERRARI S.p.A. and/or look alike them;<br>(iii) immediately deactivate the applications "Personas** and "Add cms", and any other which enables the downloading of images, pictures and any other multi-media content reproducing Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes. Models, Designs, Trade Names and any other distinctive sign of exclusive property of FERRARI S.p.A. and/or look alike them;<br>(iv) disclose the number of the downloading made until now and any detail relating to the identity of the subjects involved in the realization of the images, pictures and any other multi-media content reproducing Trademarks, Logos, Logotypes. Models, Designs, Trade Names and any other distinctive signs of exclusive property of FKRRARI S.p.A. and/or look alike them;<br>(v) undertake to pay the sum of € 500,00 for each downloading of such browse themes;<br>(vi) undertake to pay the sum of € 500,00 for each day of breach of the obligations sub (i-iv) by you or by any entity under your control or associated to you, reserved the right to ask for a further compensation;<br>(vii) pay the sum of € 3.000,00 in contribution to our client's costs.<br>Our client would prefer to resolve the matter with you amicably without the need for instituting legal proceedings. However, please TAKE NOTICE that, if we do not receive your written confirmation entirely agreeing to the above obligations by June 4th 2010, by way of your countersignature to the letter below, our client will entrust our local lawyers to pursue the matter further. Yours faithfully.               FERRARI S.p.A.<br>c/o NCTM Studio Legale Associate Via Bissolati, n. 76 00187 Rome (Italy) I. in my capacity of legal representative of <br>give the undertaking set out in the above letter and will comply with these immediately. <br>Signed: Name:.<br>Date: _<br>******************************************<br>  From: Bridges, Andrew P.<br>Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 10:14 AM<br>To: Gianluca Massimei<br>Cc: Bridges, Andrew P.<br>Subject: Mozilla Corporation / Ferrari S.p.A.   Dear Mr. Massimei:   Mozilla Corporation has disabled access to the persona files that you identified in your May 28 letter. For future reference, the most effective way to transmit requests for deletion of files is set forth on the Mozilla web site at I have placed a copy of the relevant provisions underneath my signature block below for your handy reference.   If Ferrari S.p.A. has any further concerns, Mozilla would be pleased to set up a discussion between our clients’ respective business personnel at Ferrari’s request.   Best wishes,   Andrew Bridges   Andrew P. Bridges Winston &amp; Strawn LLP 101 California Street, 39th Floor San Francisco, California 94111 USA tel +1 415 591 1482 fax +1 415 591 1400 mobile +1 415 420 1482<br> Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice If you are a copyright owner or an agent of a copyright owner and believe that content available by means of one of Mozilla’s websites infringes one or more of your copyrights, please immediately notify Mozilla's Copyright Agent by means of emailed, mailed, or faxed notice ("DMCA Notice") and include the information described below. You can review 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for authoritative detail, or consult your own attorney if you need assistance. If Mozilla takes action in response to a DMCA Notice, it will make a good faith attempt to contact the party that made such content available by means of the most recent email address, if any, provided by such party to Mozilla. You may be held liable for damages based on certain material misrepresentations contained in a DMCA Notice. Thus, if you are not sure content located on or linked to by the website infringes your copyright, you should consider first contacting an attorney. All DMCA Notices should include the following: * A signature, electronic or physical, of the owner, or a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive copyright right that is being infringed;<br> * An identification of the copyrighted work or works that you claim have been infringed;<br> * A description of the nature and location of the material that you claim to infringe your copyright, in sufficient detail to permit Mozilla to find and positively identify that content, including the URL where it is located;<br> * Your name, address, telephone number, and email address where we can contact you; and<br> * A statement by you: (i) that you believe in good faith that the use of the material that you claim infringes your copyright is not authorized by law, or by the copyright owner or such owner's agent; and, (ii) that all of the information contained in your DMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of, or a person authorized to act on behalf an owner of, the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed. Mozilla's designated Copyright Agent to receive notifications of claimed infringement is as follows:<br>Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041<br>Email: dmcanotice at mozilla dot com<br>Phone Number: 650-903-0800<br>Fax: 650-903-0875 If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of a DMCA notice, Mozilla may not act upon your notice. Mozilla will terminate a user's account if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer. The contact information provided above also applies to notices that are based on non-U.S. copyrights or trademarks. Only DMCA Notices, Trademark Notices (which are defined below), and international copyright or trademark notices should go to the copyright agent. Any other feedback, comments, requests for technical support, and other communications should be directed to personas at mozilla dot com (if related to Personas) or (for support). Please be advised that any DMCA Notices sent to Mozilla may be sent to third parties (including the accused) and posted on the Internet (including at<br>Trademark Notices
If you are a trademark owner or an agent of a trademark owner and believe that content available by means of one of Mozilla’s websites infringes one or more of your trademarks, please immediately notify Mozilla's Copyright Agent by means of emailed, mailed, or faxed notice ("Trademark Notice") and include the information described above for DMCA notices. Mozilla handles notices it receives of trademark violations via a process very similar to the DMCA Notice process that is described above for copyrights. In addition to the DMCA Notice requirements, Mozilla requires that the entire Trademark Notice be made by the trademark owner (or her agent) under penalty of perjury.<br><br>

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