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216 bytes removed, 05:26, 1 November 2010
CSS3 Color - achieved PR! Now just waiting for CSS 2.1 to go PR and CSS3 Color will go REC.
** signature - no HTML5 equivalent
** password - <code>&lt;input type="password"&gt;</code>
==== CSS3 Color ====
;latest published draft
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;implementation reports of the test suite
;issues list for the current last call
: - once these issues are addressed, it should be ready to go to PR.
===== remaining tasks =====
Waiting for:
* Publication as PR 2010-10-28
==== CSS3 UI ====
===== CSS Style Attributes =====
* CSS Style Attributes CR draft prepared (awaiting publication date)
===== CSS3 Color =====
* CSS3 Color draft updated for - achieved PR !;latest published draft:;latest development / in progress draft:;spec source (except status section, awaiting publication date etcfor editing):;test suite:;implementation reports of the test suite:;issues list for the current last call: 
===== CSS3 UI =====
Updated [ CSS3 UI Editor's draft] with:
Canmove, confirm

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