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Calendar:Dev Guide

613 bytes removed, 22:09, 23 May 2006
Dialogs - Shared UI between Sunbird and Lightning
== Dialogs ==
The main dialog that users interact with is the event/task creation/modification dialog. This dialog is currently under review. Both Sunbird and Lightning offer publish dialogs as well, and these too are under review
==== Sunbird ====
Sunbird's current event/task dialog is defined in [ eventDialog.xul] and [ eventDialog.js]
==== Shared UI ====Sunbird and Lightning share the event/task dialog. The dialog is defined in [ calendar-event-dialog.xul] and [ calendar-event-dialog.js]. It also relies on code in [ calendar-item-editing.js]. Sunbird and Lightning share the publishing dialog. The dialog is defined in [ publishDialog.xul] and [ publishDialog.js]. It also relies on code in [ publish.js]
==== Sunbird ====
Sunbird also offers a goToDate dialog ([ goToDateDialog.xul] and [ goToDateDialog.js]) and a printing dialog ([ printDialog.xul] and [ printDialog.js]). Printing also relies on [ calPrintEngine.xul] and [ calPrintEngine.js] for actual print-previews.
==== Lightning ====
Lightning's event/task dialog is defined in [ calendar-event-dialog.xul] and [ calendar-event-dialog.js]. It also relies on code in [ calendar-item-editing.js]None.
Lightning's publish dialog lives in [ calendar-publish-dialog.xul] and [ calendar-publish-dialog.js]. At the time of this writing, its functionality is suspect.
==== Shared UI ====
None yet. It is hoped to soon unite the publish dialogs, and implement the goToDate dialog in Lightning.
See also the backend section on 'Events/Tasks'

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