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179 bytes removed, 02:11, 11 January 2011
finished a few weeks of review draft 15 thoroughly and write-up draft 15 review, next step - communicate with vcarddav group
** follow-up on rejected/accepted spec improvement suggestions, figuring out next-steps for anything rejected
** figure auto-close p issue. awaiting feedback from HTML5 Superfriends... then blog or email public-html about it.
* [[vCard4]]: go through my critiques of draft 13 and check draft 15 accordingly, document which communicate feedback was accepted or not (document email threads accordingly and decide on follow-up), review draft 15 thoroughly and write-up draft 15 vcarddav group
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#DOM_API_vendor_prefixing|DOM API vendor prefixing]]: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example.
Canmove, confirm

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