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478 bytes added, 02:01, 1 February 2011
remaining tasks: captured some key details to clarify from RoC email of 2011-023 to www-style
* '''text-overflow'''
** clarify text per emails from fantasai/RoC
*** the effect of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines whose line boxes are not direct children of the block box(es) with text-overflow.
** consider explicitly stating as undefined (per suggestions from RoC)
*** the behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on a block with 'overflow' of 'scroll' (unsure on interop and what ideal behavior should be)
*** interaction of text-overflow:ellipsis with event handling
*** behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines containing replaced elements
** also create an implementer FAQ on the CSS WG wiki re: text-overflow accordingly
* '''resolve issues'''. resolve/apply proposals from issues list:
Canmove, confirm

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