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494 bytes added, 02:11, 8 February 2011
CSS3-UI - specified behavior of scroll+ellipsis per RoC suggestion, testing, and consensus of ideal behavior with fantasai
* '''text-overflow'''
** clarify text per emails from fantasai/RoC*** the effect of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines whose line boxes are not direct children of the block box(es) with text-overflow.** or consider explicitly stating as undefined (per suggestions from RoC)*** the behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on a block with 'overflow' of 'scroll' (unsure on no good interop and what , ideal behavior should bedocumented, needs screenshots)
**** testcase from RoC:
**** Safari scrolls the ellipsis ... and doesn't reveal any additional text - this doesn't make sense to me as a user. If I scroll I should get to see the rest of the content.
**** Opera scrolls the text into view until the you can see the end of the text at which point the block scrolls no further. No ellipsis is display on the otherside of the block when you start scrolling characters off the start edge.
***** This seems like the best behavior so far, with the exception that as a user (and developer) I'd expect to see the text that scrolled off the start of the block get replaced by an ellipsis rather than simply clipped.
**** Need to test IE9 in standards mode.
*** interaction of text-overflow:ellipsis with event handling
*** behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines containing replaced elements
** add CSS IS AWESOME examples/tests to the spec
** capture issues and undefined aspects from fantasai/RoC emails as of 2011-031.
** clarify text per emails from fantasai/RoC
*** the effect of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines whose line boxes are not direct children of the block box(es) with text-overflow.
*** the behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on a block with 'overflow' of 'scroll' (no good interop, ideal behavior documented, needs screenshots)
**** testcase from RoC:
**** Safari scrolls the ellipsis ... and doesn't reveal any additional text - this doesn't make sense to me (RoC, nor me Tantek) as a user. If I scroll I should get to see the rest of the content. (Agreed)
**** Opera scrolls the text into view until the you can see the end of the text at which point the block scrolls no further (this is ideal beahvior -t). No ellipsis is display on the otherside of the block when you start scrolling characters off the start edge.
***** This seems like the best behavior so far, with the exception that as a user (and developer) I'd expect to see the text that scrolled off the start of the block get replaced by an ellipsis rather than simply clipped (agreed precisely with RoC on this and have specified this expected behavior as a SHOULD)
**** Testing IE9 in standards mode showed same behavior as Safari for scrolling+ellipsis.
Canmove, confirm

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